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Finnish Sauna

In this type of sauna, the temperature can reach between 80 and 100°C, inducing abundant perspiration of the skin, while humidity does not exceed 10 to 20%, except when water is thrown onto the boiling stones on the stove. Sometimes essential oils are added to the water for a balsamic effect.

BENEFITS: it favours the elimination of water retention and toxins. It relaxes the muscles and improves your sleeping rhythms

Steam Bath

The steam bath differs from the sauna with a temperature
between 43 and 45° C in a humidity of 98%.

BENEFITS: A deep cleansing of the skin, frees your airways and
gives you the sense of psychophysical relaxation.

Mediterranean Steam Bath

A comfortable sensory area that embraces you with its warmth at temperatures between 45 and 50° C, and humidity of 55 to 65.

BENEFITS: favours the elimination of water retention and toxins, improves your sleep rhythms, tones your skin, if used for long amount of time it helps eliminate fat accumulations and gives you psychophysical well-being.

Water Paradise

It is an amazing union of four different showers that will take you on a journey, a unique way to live a multi-sensory water experience.

The jets of water alternate automatically between the four showers: tropical rain, cold rain, tropical storm and cold mist.

They are different in heat, colour and intensity embracing you in a unique state of well-being.

Ice Fall

To obtain a really reinvigorating effect needed after being exposed to extensive heat, ice crystals are massaged on your body from the lower limbs to your head.

The icefall helps to bring the body temperature and heartbeat back to normal with beneficial effects of toning and vascular constriction.

Relaxation Area “The Sound of Wood”

In our relaxation area “the fragrance of wood”, you will have the pleasure of being gently lulled by the music played on the tonewood soundboard Resonance Piano – one of a kind, produced by the firm
Opere Sonore Ciresa srl and made up with the wood of Fiemme Valley

Resonance Piano expresses the natural harmonies of musical instruments: embracing you in its vibrations and sounds, it helps you
to reach deep relaxation.

Relaxation Area “The Fragrance of Wood”

Our relaxation area “the fragrance of wood” warmly welcomes you in an intimate location.

You can completely relax thanks to the cladding and beds in Cirmolo di Lavazè, wood known by our ancestors for its relaxing and regenerative properties which improve the quality of sleep.

Let you plunge into our forests thanks to the marvellous images of Pierluigi Orler, well-known Fiemme Photograph.